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Friday, April 8, 2011

Let's Dock Their Pay

How about this? Starting retroactively to the beginning of the fiscal year, we dock the pay of everyone in Congress for every day they can't agree on a budget.


Lista said...

Agreed, Especially Once the Government is Shut Down. California Actually Passed Something Similar to that in Relation to our Congress Men and Women.

One of the Things the US Congress Considered was to Actually Defund the Military and not Pay the Service Men, while Still Collecting their Own Pay Checks. Can you Believe that?

I Just Blogged on this, though, Acknowledging that Sometimes Gridlock is Necessary.

P. J. Grath said...

Not paying our service men and women and going on paying themselves would have been just about the dirtiest trick possible. It's a relief to know that they had enough shame not to go that far.