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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Can Anyone Identify the Fourth Item?
Crocuses above and directly below. Third image is of winter aconite. The fourth? Who will hazard a guess?
I was Trying to Figure Out a Way to Guess without Ending the Game for Everyone else. If I Tell you Later after someone Else has Also Guessed it, you May not Believe me. Oh well.
Well, Ok. What you Could do is Delay in Posting my Comment Until another 24 Hours has Past, but here it is.
It Looks Like Some Sort of Pastry to me. I Thought it was in the Mud, yet it Could be on Top of a Chocolate Cake or Something, though the Top of it Looks Sort of Nibbled on.
Well if it's not Pastry, then I'm Probably not going to be Able to Guess it. I Guess it could be the Top of a Pretzel. I Give Up. Maybe Someone Else Knows.
Huh. That's Interesting. That is Similar to One of my Foolish and Embarrassing Guesses that I Though too Silly to Share and that is Pancake Batter Poured into a Pan in a Random Pattern that was Never Mixed in with the Pan Cake, yet I Couldn't Answer the Why Question as to Why it wasn't Mixed in with the Pan Cake that was being Fried Right Next to it.
Another Guess was Fried Worms. Ooooh. Disgusting.
Or how About this? Sweet Poison on a "Sticky Plate" to Attract Flies or Bees, yet since it is "Nibbled On", where are the Flies or Bees? That's Disgusting too, huh?
I was Trying to Figure Out a Way to Guess without Ending the Game for Everyone else. If I Tell you Later after someone Else has Also Guessed it, you May not Believe me. Oh well.
Lista, go ahead and guess. It's unlikely anyone else will try this goofy game.
Well, Ok. What you Could do is Delay in Posting my Comment Until another 24 Hours has Past, but here it is.
It Looks Like Some Sort of Pastry to me. I Thought it was in the Mud, yet it Could be on Top of a Chocolate Cake or Something, though the Top of it Looks Sort of Nibbled on.
Neither mud nor cake but a sticky plate. That's a clue. Nibbled, yes! That's a clue, too.
Well if it's not Pastry, then I'm Probably not going to be Able to Guess it. I Guess it could be the Top of a Pretzel. I Give Up. Maybe Someone Else Knows.
Pretty Flowers, BTW.
This is pretty silly, as I warned you. It's the last bite of a waffle. I thought it looked like a bird. A waffle bird!
Huh. That's Interesting. That is Similar to One of my Foolish and Embarrassing Guesses that I Though too Silly to Share and that is Pancake Batter Poured into a Pan in a Random Pattern that was Never Mixed in with the Pan Cake, yet I Couldn't Answer the Why Question as to Why it wasn't Mixed in with the Pan Cake that was being Fried Right Next to it.
Another Guess was Fried Worms. Ooooh. Disgusting.
Or how About this? Sweet Poison on a "Sticky Plate" to Attract Flies or Bees, yet since it is "Nibbled On", where are the Flies or Bees? That's Disgusting too, huh?
Oh well. Next Subject Please. lol.
Glad to hear that...I would have guessed a mutant
Happy Fry that had been kidnapped by a fussy raven..
You so Make me Laugh, BB. I Guess you Mean a Happy Fry, like from McDonalds, thus the Golden Arches Symbol.
BB, your guess is a hundred times more entertaining than my mundane reality.
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