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Monday, November 28, 2011

The Mom and Pop Show

This would be a radio show originating in our living room. Pop would say, "Did you hear about that pepper spray incident?" Mom answers yes. Dad goes on, "I don't even know what an X-box is, do you?" Mom replies, "I have no idea." Pop observes that they are both "really out of it."

Is there an audience for this show?


BB-Idaho said...

I know what pepper spray is...
no idea of an x-box. ..and I own neither. Some years back I worked
with thermodynamic equations and detonics theory (MS-DOS era), but
when our server 'migrated' our e-mail last week, I needed a young rep in Phoenix to spend 45 minutes on the phone (landline, of course)
instructing me on what keys to use.
I still don't know POP from SMTP.
...perhaps I need an X-box?

P. J. Grath said...

Don't ask me, BB!

I had another idea for the Mom and Pop Show today as David and I were driving to Traverse City. Rather than broadcast live from the studio, we could tape our conversations in the car and broadcast at a later time (or the next day or whatever). Our conversation in the car today could have been the first show, if only we'd been taping it!

BB-Idaho said...

What station you on?
Gotta beat what passes for 'talk

P. J. Grath said...

Not on the air yet, BB. This is the first phase of market research. Thanks to your comments, I can now report to my partner that we would have an audience of at least one.

BB-Idaho said...

Well, us old-timers would be interested in a reprise of Fibber McGee & Molly ....