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Saturday, May 21, 2011

What Am I Missing?

A front-page story in our local newspaper reports on a meeting between the County Commission and the Tribal Council, one of their discussion items being developing a "brand" for Leelanau. I don't get it. Is there a chance we could be confused with some other Leelanau? P.R. is not my field of expertise, so there must be a subtlety here that is escaping me.


BB-Idaho said...

Leelanau is unique. On the other hand, it is one of
nine Michigan counties named by old Henry Schoolcraft (he made them up from Ojibwa, Latin and Arabic..Leelinau was his
wife's nom de
they say). But, if they
need a brand, something like the most freshwater of any US county might work. On the other hand,
Northport may need branding, given there are two Northports in WI (one right across the lake) as well as in FL, NY, WA and ME. In that event 'Leelanau's Northport' might work.
Dunno, not a PR person either..what a dilemma!

P. J. Grath said...

Yes, Northport (or North Port) is understandably a rather common name. But Leelanau? I think it's like Kalamazoo, the only one of its kind.